Thursday 26 April 2012

Monday 9 April 2012

Woman 'tried to stab boyfriend after he forgot to buy Valentine's Day present'

It's not unheard of for a woman to get touchy if her partner doesn't bring home anything on Valentine's Day.  But instead of sending her boyfriend to the doghouse for a week after he forgot to get her a gift, Kierra Reed reached for a kitchen knife and said she planned to cut him, according to police.
Henry E. Brown fled and shut himself in a bedroom at her apartment in Cincinnati, Ohio, as his girlfriend slashed the door trying to reach him.

Just before midnight Reed, 22, and her boyfriend started fighting because Brown didn't buy her anything for Valentine's Day. Reed started pushing and scratching Brown, according to police.
That's when Brown ran to the bedroom. Furious, Reed said she was going to cut him and then threatened to kill him. She grabbed a kitchen knife and was attacking the door with it before police arrived. Officers arrested Reed on a charge of aggravated menacing, which is a misdemeanour.
Reed, who is unemployed, paid $2500 bail in order to win release.

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Woman stabbs man with kitchen knife as he sleeps - he almost dies but STILL wants to marry her?

A man who almost died when his girlfriend stabbed him in the back, turned up at court with a diamond ring and asked her to marry him.

Mr Todd, who is unable to visit Baillie in prison until after Easter, is now desperately waiting to hear if she has accepted his marriage offer Gregory Todd, 48, had been planning to go down on one knee and pop the question to Tiffany Baillie, 32, when. She appeared in the dock to admit attacking him as he slept in December last year. But the chef, who spent months in hospital after Baillie plunged a 12 inch kitchen knife into his back, was forced to propose through her lawyer after the judge remanded her in custody to await sentencing.

Mr Todd, who is unable to visit Baillie in prison until after Easter, is now desperately waiting to hear if she has accepted his marriage offer. As Baillie appeared in the dock at Hull Crown Court for a sentencing hearing, her barrister Paul Genney explained that Mr Todd had a special reason for turning up in his best suit. Mr Genney said: “Mr Todd is in court and has been to see her in prison. He has brought a ring to court to propose to her. Eventually they want to get married. He says he has brought the engagement ring to ask to her marry him today.”

At that Baillie looked across the court room towards the man she admits stabbing and began to cry.
But she gave no indication of her answer, leaving Mr Todd in suspense. The judge heard how Baillie stabbed Mr Todd in the back in December last year as he slept at their home in Hessle, Humberside.
The attack came around the anniversary of the death of Baillie’s ten-week old son and also came shortly after she had suffered a miscarriage.

Her lawyer said she had been struggling to deal with the grief at the time and could not explain why she had stabbed Mr Todd. The blade pierced Mr Todd’s liver, spleen and pancreas and doctors said he would have certainly died had it not been for the swift medical intervention. But once he had recovered Mr Todd did not hesitate in visiting Baillie in prison in order to offer her his forgiveness.
Speaking outside court after the hearing, Mr Todd said: “I love her I want to marry her. She didn't know I was going to propose today but I was. “I wanted to give her the ring but they won't allow it in prison. I hoped she would get a suspended sentence, so I could propose today. She does not need to be in prison.”

Baillie was initially charged with attempted murder, but has since admitted grievous bodily harm with intent. Judge Michael Mettyear said he recognised the fact that Mr Todd had forgiven Baillie and wanted to continue with their relationship, but said that may not influence his final decision.
He said: “I want some time to think about it. If he had died, this would have been a life sentence. The minimum term would have been 25 years. If she had been convicted of attempted murder the sentence could have been the order of 15 years. This is a difficult case and the guidelines suggest a prison sentence of some length."

Sunday 8 April 2012

Grandmother 'repeatedly stabbed her boyfriend after he cheated at Monopoly'

This was one game of Monopoly where the player went directly to jail.
A 60-year-old woman has been locked up after stabbing her boyfriend for cheating at the popular board game.
Laura Chavez is alleged to have flown into a rage after discovering her boyfriend at cheated while they played with her 10-year-old grandson.
Laura Chavez was drinking beer and playing Monopoly with her grandson and boyfriend when the boyfriend allegedly cheated, causing her to allegedly break a bottle over his head and stab him
Laura Chavez was drinking beer and playing Monopoly with her grandson and boyfriend when the boyfriend allegedly cheated, causing her to allegedly break a bottle over his head and stab him
Police said when the boy went to bed Chavez smashed a bottle over her boyfriend's head before picking up a kitchen knife and repeatedly stabbing him.
Paramedics arrived on the scene in Santa Fe, New Mexico to find the man bleeding heavily from his head, neck and right wrist area.
Chavez was reportedly found sitting under the porch spattered with the victim's blood.
When police asked if the blood belonged to her boyfriend, she replied 'yes, I f+++++ him up,' according to the arrest affidavit.
The victim was rushed to a local hospital where he is currently listed in stable condition.

Chavez's 10-year-old grandson, who was staying the night with his grandmother, told police he did not witness any physical violence between the two and was in bed at the time of the stabbing.
'[The boy] stated his grandma, Laura, and [her boyfriend] were both drinking a beer from the same can while playing the game (of Monopoly,' the arrest warrant states.
'[The boy] further advised that during the time they were playing the game, his grandma and [her boyfriend] started to argue because she thought [the boyfriend] was cheating at Monopoly.'

The arrest reported revealed both Chavez and her boyfriend had been drinking.
Chavez, who police say admitted stabbing the man with a kitchen knife, was arrested and charged with aggravated battery on a household member with a deadly weapon, battery upon a peace officer, assault upon a peace officer and resisting or evading a police officer.
She remained jailed in lieu of a $5,000 surety bond.

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Wisconsin sisters accused of sexually assaulting man with pliers, forcing him to drink urine

8 Feb 2012

Two sisters have been charged in St. Croix County Court with sexually assaulting a man with a pliers and giving him urine to drink.
Valerie M. Bartkey, 24, and Amanda L. Johnson, 17, both of Somerset are each charged with a felony count of second-degree sexual assault by force and misdemeanor counts of battery and criminal damage to property. Johnson is also charged with a misdemeanor count of intimidating a victim.
The felony has a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison. They each are scheduled to make their initial court appearances April 12.
According to court records:
An 18-year-old man told police he was at a Somerset residence Oct. 1 when the sisters punched and kicked him, and later put one of the man's shoes in the toilet and soaked the other in a sink.
The man said the sisters later brought him a cup of liquid that they said was lemonade and forced him to drink it. It was urine from the sisters.
The man said the sisters later forced him to undress, saying one wanted to have sex with him. Bartkey reportedly pulled and twisted the man's penis with pliers while Johnson threatened him with a belt. The man said, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 the most pain he'd ever experienced, that the incident was 10. Johnson later ripped the man's shirt to the point at which it would not stay on his body.
Johnson reportedly called the man Oct. 27 and threatened him, saying she would tell authorities he smoked marijuana Oct. 1. The man denied smoking marijuana but said Bartkey and Johnson did.

Bride-to-be stabs fiance with a steak knife because he refused to clear up after their ENGAGEMENT party

Judge views her violence as justified!

15:07 GMT, 16 October 2011

A bride-to-be got into a violent argument with her fiance before stabbing with a steak knife because he refused to clear up after their engagement party.
Natalie Hughes,38, argued with Gwillam Roberts when she returned home from work to find he had stayed in bed rather than doing the washing up. 
She ordered him out of her house in Torquay, South Devon before slashing his chest and right shoulder with the steak knife when he refused to go.  Exeter Crown Court heard the mother-of-two used the knife after Mr Roberts attacked her.

Mr Lee Bremridge, defending, said Hughes went into the relationship with Mr Roberts while on the rebound from her marriage.
He said friends noticed a change in her behaviour once she started the new relationship in which she became less outgoing and progressively more withdrawn and depressed. 

At the time she was working to support her two young children and pay a mortgage and had been at work all day when she returned to find her partner still in bed.  She had written him a list of jobs to do, which included looking after her children, but he had ignored it and carried on drinking. 

Mr Bremridge said Hughes had suffered bruising and a fat lip in an attack by Mr Roberts before she turned the knife on him.  He said: 'He was verbally abusive to her when in drink which resulted in her losing her confidence. The relationship was corrosive as a result of him belittling her. 
'Her ex husband has described her as a perfect mother and a kind lady who gets on with everybody.'
Mr Bremridge said Hughes ended her relationship with Mr Roberts and is now rebuilding her life.

Domestic: Exeter Crown Court heard the mother-of-two used the knife after Mr Roberts attacked her
Mr David Bowen, prosecuting, said: 'The defendant and the victim were in a relationship and these events took place the day after their engagement party.  

'There was an argument when she returned home to find he had not cleared the place up after the party. It is unclear how the knife came to be in the bedroom but she said she took up upstairs. 
'There was a struggle when he tried to disarm her in which she was injured and she picked up the knife and caused two wounds to his shoulder and chest.'

Hughes admitted causing grievous bodily harm and was jailed for 12 months, suspended for two years and ordered to do 50 hours unpaid community work by Judge David Tyzack, QC.  

He told her: 'You were driven to do this in a domestic context with a partner who was unsupportive and was either an alcoholic or bordering on it.  

'On this occasion he was in drink and had failed to carry out a reasonable request.
'You were driven in temper to arm yourself with the knife and confront him.

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Women attempts to cut of sleeping husbands head with a power saw.

Woman tries to cut her sleeping husband's head off with power saw

 12:41 GMT, 18 October 2011

A woman has been accused of trying to saw her sleeping husband's head off with a power saw.
Police were called to Hoyt Avenue in Everett, Washington, on Friday, and found the unnamed 36-year-old still alive but his head and neck covered in bloody cuts.
When officers arrived at the  family residence they allegedly heard the husband screaming at his wife: 'It was you, it was you - you tried to cut my head off. You're going to jail.'

A wife is accused of attacking her husband with a reciprocating saw, like this one pictured
Yesterday the woman, also unidentified,appeared in court on a charge of domestic violence assault and a judge ordered her bail to be kept at $250,000 (£158,000).

When interviewed by police the 43-year-old insisted that she had grabbed the power saw in the dead of night as she thought she heard an intruder escape from her daughter's window.
However, sergeant Robert Goetz indicated that there was no sign of a break-in - a child lock prevented the window in the child's room from opening more than a few inches.
In addition, both the front and back doors were locked from the inside.
He said: 'There was no evidence there was an intruder.'

The alleged attack took place in the night at a house on Hoyt Avenue in Everett, Washington, on Friday. The husband, who told officers that he woke to find the power tool whirring at his neck, was taken to hospital and treated for the lacerations.
He said he switched on a light to illuminate the dark room and his wife was menacingly holding the DIY instrument. The husband claimed that his wife also cut him with a hatchet and has been released from Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett.

Officers discovered smeared blood on the suspect's clothes and forearm, according to court records.
She insisted that she had been wounded on her arm, however police found no freshly made marks.
Also blood was discovered on the carpet and on the walls inside the house.
A Sawzall (a trademark of the Milwaukee Electric Tool Company) with blood on it was recovered from the bedroom floor and a hatchet was found on a kitchen shelf.
Police records noted that it was wet and appeared to have been washed, and that neither alcohol nor drugs appeared to be a factor in the incident.

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Testicluar Attacks = Sexual Assault

FEBRUARY 24, 2012 --Does this woman look like a testicle crusher?

Well, that's what cops claim University of Colorado student Chalie Simon did to a former boyfriend early Saturday morning during a confrontation at a campus apartment. Simon, a 19-year-old sophomore, went to Job Donkor's home at about 4 AM and became irate when he sought to remove her from the residence. That's when Simon allegedly 'grabbed his testicles and squeezed hard,' according to a police report.

Donkor, 23, replied, 'Yeah, it hurt a lot,' when a cop asked about Simon's squeeze play. Donkor told police that he had dated Simon 'on and off' during the prior 18 months, and that they had broken up 'approximately 20 times.' Simon was apparently angry because Donkor had not, as promised, called or sent her a text message by 3 AM (police noted that another woman was sleeping in Donkor's bedroom when they arrived).

Simon, pictured in a Boulder County Sheriff's Office mug shot, was arrested on assault, trespass, and domestic violence charges.  read more 

Womans viscious sexual assault of ex boyfriend

Ex-Girlfriend Busted For Brutal Scrotum Attack
Cops: Assault left Indiana man bloody, swollen, unable to work

APRIL 5, 2012--An Indiana man had his scrotum severely torn when his “on-again, off-again” girlfriend entered his home and pummeled him in an attack that resulted in the woman’s arrest on several criminal charges, including two felonies.

Christina Reber, 43, was freed from jail yesterday after posting $10,000 bond in connection with her bust for the alleged attack last Friday at the Muncie house of her ex-beau (who told cops he had ended the couple’s eight-month relationship days before the assault).

The victim, 57, told police that he was working at his computer when Reber, pictured in the adjacent mug shot, “walked into his house uninvited,” according to a Muncie Police Department report that will make every guy wince. The man said Reber screamed at him to “call the fucking police” before launching her assault.

Reber, the victim told cops, first struck him repeatedly in the head before latching onto his scrotum and “squeezing as hard as she could.” The man, interviewed by police at a hospital emergency room, said that he “was in incredible pain when Reber grabbed his scrotum and began digging in her fingers.”

The victim recalled that Reber “refused to let go of his scrotum,” but that he was “finally able to pry his scrotum from Reber’s hand” after they fell to the ground during the scuffle. The man then called an ambulance, which transported him to Ball Memorial Hospital.

A cop reported that the man had blood on his shirt and “a long wide tear on his scrotum,” which had been “completely torn loose from his body.”

In a follow-up interview two days after the incident, the victim told police that his scrotum was “so swollen he is unable to walk and is missing work.” The man added that his scrotum “is still bleeding and doctors are not sure if there is permanent damage to his groin or not.”

Reber was charged with aggravated battery and illegally entering the victim’s home, both felonies. She was also charged with a misdemeanor domestic battery, according to an affidavit. Reber is next due in court on April 30. 

Police report 

Thursday 5 April 2012

Emily Starnes, 16-year-old accused of murder

(CBS) HICKORY, N.C. - The 16-year-old North Carolina girl charged with murder in the death of a cab driver hid in the getaway car while two others robbed and killed 32-year-old Adam Williams in August 2011, the district attorney alleged in court on Tuesday.

The Hickory Record newspaper reports that Emily Starnes and Consandra Tyree, 16, are among four people facing charges that they lured Yellow Cab Co., driver Williams to a Fuddruckers parking lot, robbed him of $39 and killed him.

Prosecutors say that Camyron Johnson and Matthew Hopkins, both 23, stabbed Williams in his face and neck. He died later at the hospital.

District Attorney Sean McGinnis told the court that Starnes and Tyree helped plan the robbery, supplied the phone to call the cab, hid the getaway pickup truck, and saw Hopkins get out of the truck with a knife, reports the Record.

"Ms. Starnes was instructed to back the truck up out of sight," McGinnis said. "She said she heard thumping or something like it going on. Matthew Hopkins comes back covered in blood."

But Starnes' attorney says his client was not present at the time of the murder.

"She shouldn't have left in the car when she observed blood on the two codefendants," he said. "But as far as murder, she had no knowledge. Maybe she should have known, maybe she should have done something, but she was a 16-year-old child who was scared."

Superior Court Judge Robert Kincaid said Starnes was "a principal in the crimes, participated, gave advice and perhaps planned" before setting her bond at $230,000 for the murder, reports the Record.

Complete coverage of the N.C. cabbie murder on Crimesider

Another female celebrety spouse abuser

 Downfall of a blonde bombshell: How 'That 70s Show' star Lisa Robin Kelly turned into a haggard wreck accused of domestic battery

PUBLISHED: 09:26 GMT, 4 April 2012 | UPDATED: 20:45 GMT, 4 April 2012
She was the beautiful blonde bombshell who starred alongside movie star Ashton Kutcher in That '70s Show.

But actress Lisa Robin Kelly looks a haggard wreck of her former self in a mugshot released by police after she was arrested over the weekend after claims of domestic violence. Kelly, famed for playing Laurie Foreman on the hit TV show, appeared a far cry from the well-groomed character who had no trouble getting a date.

Blonde beauty: Lisa Robin Kelly looks healthy and well-groomed on the set of That '70s Show in 2000, left, and is a stark contrast to her appearance in a mugshot released by police after she arrested last weekend. Instead, 42-year-old Kelly looked wide-eyed with messy hair and what appears to be a small cut on her lip. But the former sitcom star, who has had little TV work since That '70s Show, told TMZ that she was wrongfully arrested for allegedly attacking the man who she shares her LA home with.

Lisa told the website that she's been having issues for some time and tried to leave the house 'for good' on Friday, but he became angry and 'roughed me up.' She also claims she called police, but that her roommate ran off before they arrived so they didn't press charges. He later showed up at the police station to report that she had attacked him, a claim she vehemently denied, alleging he had faked bruises to set her up.

Lisa told TMZ: 'He must have scratched himself or done something to himself.'
She added: 'I am clean and sober and I have made a lot of progress. I am completely innocent. I weigh 105 pounds. I could never hurt him. I just want to start working again.' Kelly starred as the older sister of Eric Foreman - played by Topher Grace - on That '70s Show. The sitcom about a group of teenagers growing up in a small Wisconsin town in the 1970s first aired in 1998 until 2006.

Kelly starred in over 50 episodes of That '70s Show - a hit FOX show which launched the careers of Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher and Topher Grace. She was mysteriously let go and replaced after the fifth season and hasn't had a notable role since.

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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Ben-Gals cheerleader charged over sexual relationship with a student.

Ben-Gals cheerleader pleads not guilty to sexually abusing student
BY JIM HANNAH Gannett News Service April 2, 2012 6:46PM

Sarah Jones, 26, the team captain of the Ben-Gals cheerleading squad, leaves court Monday in Covington, Ky., after pleading not guilty to sexually abusing a student when she was a high school teacher. | Patrick Reddy~AP
Updated: April 3, 2012 3:03PM

COVINGTON, Ky. — A Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader indicted for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a student when she was a high school teacher pleaded not guilty to the charges Monday.

Sarah Jones, 26, the team captain of the Ben-Gals cheerleading squad, pleaded not guilty Monday in Kenton Circuit Court to first-degree sexual abuse. She also pleaded not guilty to unlawful use of electronic means to induce a minor to engage in sexual or other prohibited activities, a charge often reserved for people who peddle in child pornography over the Internet. The charges are in connection to allegations she had a sexual relationship with a senior at Dixie Heights High School in Edgewood, Ky.

Jones’ mother, 55-year-old Cheryl Jones, appeared in court at her daughter’s side to plead not guilty to tampering with physical evidence in the case. Cheryl Jones was suspended from her job as principal at Twenhofel Middle School in Independence, Ky., after being indicted Thursday.

Each of the charges is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

Sarah Jones’ estranged husband does not have much to say about the allegations against his wife.

“To be honest with you, I don’t want to talk about her,” said Nathan Wilburn, who was 26 when the couple married nine months ago. They are seeking to annul their marriage. Sarah Jones’ amended petition for annulment was filed March 21. Sarah Jones married Wilburn on July 16, according to public records, but Sarah Jones moved out of her husband’s residence Aug. 24. According to the petition for annulment filed in Kenton Circuit Court, the marriage was not consummated.

Judge Patricia Summe reduced Sarah Jones’ $50,000 bond and Cheryl Jones’ $30,000 bond to $15,000 each. She required the pair to be placed on electric monitoring as a term of their release.

Summe ordered the daughter and mother to have no contact with the underage victim and his family despite the fact that the victim’s relatives attended the arraignment in support of the Joneses. The two families sat in the same pew in the courtroom’s gallery as they waited for the case to be called.

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Tuesday 3 April 2012

Father freed after a decade in jail as daughter admits she lied about him raping her when she was 11 as she was 'disappointed in him'

 Violence By Proxy - lie to the authorities - they commit the violence

Father freed after a decade in jail as daughter admits she lied about him raping her when she was 11 as she was 'disappointed in him'
PUBLISHED: 22:09 GMT, 2 April 2012 | UPDATED: 22:09 GMT, 2 April 2012
A 23-year-old woman has told police she lied about her father raping her when she was 11 - accusations that put him behind bars for nine years.
But Cassandra Kennedy, from Longview, Washington, will not be charged as prosecutors fear it could stop others from reporting sexual assaults.
Kennedy said guilt forced her to tell police she had lied about Thomas Edward Kennedy raping her at least three times in 2001.

False accusations: Cassandra Kennedy, 23, has told police she lied about her father raping her in 2011. Thomas Kennedy served nine years in jail (file picture)
'I did a horrible thing,' Kennedy told detectives in January, according to a police report reported in The Daily News. 'It's not OK.'
She added that she was bitter following her parents' divorce in 1991, and that she made up the rape story as her father had disappointing her.
After the divorce, Kennedy and her sister spent one weekend a month at their father's home, where they slept on foam mattresses in his living room.

Married teacher charged with rape 'after promising girls better grades if they had sex with him'
MIT researcher 'flew to Colorado for a sex tryst with a mother and two daughters, ages 12 and 16'
'I wanted him to love me, and I didn't think he did at that time,' she told the detectives. 'I took my own vengeance,' she added.

Kennedy told police she got the idea of setting up her father from a friend whose stepfather had been sent to prison for a child sex crime.
'I thought that is what I would do to make my dad go away,' she told police.

Holding back: Prosecutor Sue Baur (pictured) said she feared charging Cassandra might discourage other girls from reporting sexual assaults
She told a teacher about the abuse, using the codeword 'peace' to indicate when it had supposedly happened again.
Police said she repeated the stories with consistency and their details seemed beyond the sexual knowledge of an 11-year-old.

Kennedy later told police she became sexually active in second grade and may have used what she had learned in films when talking to officers.
She also had trauma to her body consistent with a rape - but now police believe this could have been from sexual contact before her accusations.
Her father denied the allegation but a jury convicted him of three counts of rape of a child and he was sentenced to more than 15 years in jail.
'I just want him to be out and freed,' his daughter told police earlier this year. Then, 'I will be free on the inside'.
Kennedy, who now lives in Longview, approached police in January
She called Longview Police Department in January and talked with two detectives three days later, the News reported.
Mr Kennedy, who is now 43, was released last week and the charges against him were dismissed. He told the News that he did not want to comment but is simply trying to get on with his life.
Cassandra Kennedy has been staying at Mountain Ministries, a Christian addiction treatment center, in recent months and is currently carrying out missionary work in Mexico, according to the organisation's director.
Of the false conviction, prosecutor Sue Baur said: 'This is the kind of thing that shouldn't happen.'
But she said that charging Kennedy might discourage victims from coming forward.
She added that it was not an indictment of the system, but simply a case of a person withdrawing their story.
 In recent months, Kennedy, who is now 23, has been staying at Mountain Ministries, a Christian addiction treatment center
'Unfortunately, a man spent 10 years in prison before that happened,' Baur said.
Kennedy had a troubled school experience. She told police students at Kalama Elementary teased her and she began experimenting with alcohol.
A few months before she accused her father of rape, she was expelled from school for telling her teacher she was thinking about bringing a gun to school and shooting 'everyone', according to a medical report.
She dropped out of school in her junior year of high school and then became addicted to pills, she told police.
By 2010, she was using meth and had felony convictions for burglary and theft, according to The Daily News.

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Monday 2 April 2012

Mum jailed for raping daughter

A MOTHER of four who subjected her 11-year-old daughter to a "bizarre sex education" was jailed for four years yesterday.
The 37-year-old Sunshine Coast mother used her mobile phone to create three films showing her raping her youngest child and exposed her to other sexual activity "in response to repeated questions".
Judge John Robertson said the mother, through her "selfish criminal conduct", had deprived her daughter of the right to "a wholesome and loving relationship with her mother".
He said while sexual offences against children by their own mothers were "rare", the community acting through the courts should denounce "this shocking conduct" with a significant punishment.
Judge Robertson suspended the four-year jail term after the woman has served one year, leaving a three-year jail sentence hanging over her head and ordered her to do three years' probation.
Because the woman has already served 243 days in custody, she will be released in 122 days.
Maroochydore District Court heard how the woman started seeing the father of her four children when she was "virtually a child" at age 14 and had her first child at 16.
While she was still living at the family home on the Coast, she began a cyber-sex relationship with a man in Melbourne and became obsessed with sex.
They would send sexual videos to each other, which her daughter viewed, and the woman visited him three times.
"It is in this context the first of the bizarre and disturbing offences involving your daughter occurred," Judge Robertson said.
"Your conduct toward your daughter involved a very serious breach of trust.
"The relationship between mo-ther and child is seminal in our society.
"How she deals with it as she grows remains to be seen, but it is difficult to see how it could not result in long-term adverse consequences to her.
"You now admit what you have done was wrong.
"From the start you characterised your behaviour as some form of bizarre sex education with the child which did not involve sexual gratification from you.
"It appears you had a normal loving upbringing with parents and family who still support you.
"There is no psychological or intellectual reason to explain this shocking behaviour.
"Given this offending occurred in the context of this highly obsessive and sexual relationship with this man, defies logic and common sense to discount any level of sexual gratification in your behaviour."
Judge Robertson said the defence had asked him to note her "own dysfunctional attitude to matters sexual".
He said her husband was 12 years her senior and she had limited knowledge of appropriate sexual boundaries.
"You were obsessed with sex and your life was in chaos," he said.
"The psychologist report suggests the developing of some insight into your behaviour.
"Given the Department of Child Safety is now involved, I'm satisfied you are a low risk of reoffending."

Just another female abuser

That 70s Show actress Lisa Robin Kelly arrested for second time for alleged spousal abuse

SHE already has had a brush with the law back in 2010 after being charged with a DUI.

And Lisa Robin Kelly, who played Eric Foreman's sister Laurie on That 70's Show, has once again been arrested.

The 42-year-old actress was taken into custody for felony charges of corporal injury upon a spouse, website TMZ reported.

She was cuffed by LAPD in the early hours of Saturday morning (PDT).

She was then taken to the Los Angeles Couty Sheriff's department where she is currently in custody.

Her bail has been set at $50,000.

The incident comes after Kelly was arrested in North Carolina in August 2010 after being pulled over by police.

She spent the night of August 21 in a jail cell before being released on bail.

She then pleaded guilty to one count of driving while intoxicated and was sentenced to 12 months of probation and ordered to pay a fine.

Kelly starred in over 50 episodes of That 70's Show - the hit FOX show which launched the careers of Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher and Topher Grace.

She was mysteriously let go and replaced after the fifth season and hasn't had a notable role since. She appeared in a 2005 film called The Food Chain: A Hollywood Scarytale.

In the seven years since her last show, her physical appearance has changed dramatically.

The former blonde bombshell looked drawn and bedraggled in her police booking photo, with blotchy skin and messy tangled hair.