Monday 9 April 2012

Woman stabbs man with kitchen knife as he sleeps - he almost dies but STILL wants to marry her?

A man who almost died when his girlfriend stabbed him in the back, turned up at court with a diamond ring and asked her to marry him.

Mr Todd, who is unable to visit Baillie in prison until after Easter, is now desperately waiting to hear if she has accepted his marriage offer Gregory Todd, 48, had been planning to go down on one knee and pop the question to Tiffany Baillie, 32, when. She appeared in the dock to admit attacking him as he slept in December last year. But the chef, who spent months in hospital after Baillie plunged a 12 inch kitchen knife into his back, was forced to propose through her lawyer after the judge remanded her in custody to await sentencing.

Mr Todd, who is unable to visit Baillie in prison until after Easter, is now desperately waiting to hear if she has accepted his marriage offer. As Baillie appeared in the dock at Hull Crown Court for a sentencing hearing, her barrister Paul Genney explained that Mr Todd had a special reason for turning up in his best suit. Mr Genney said: “Mr Todd is in court and has been to see her in prison. He has brought a ring to court to propose to her. Eventually they want to get married. He says he has brought the engagement ring to ask to her marry him today.”

At that Baillie looked across the court room towards the man she admits stabbing and began to cry.
But she gave no indication of her answer, leaving Mr Todd in suspense. The judge heard how Baillie stabbed Mr Todd in the back in December last year as he slept at their home in Hessle, Humberside.
The attack came around the anniversary of the death of Baillie’s ten-week old son and also came shortly after she had suffered a miscarriage.

Her lawyer said she had been struggling to deal with the grief at the time and could not explain why she had stabbed Mr Todd. The blade pierced Mr Todd’s liver, spleen and pancreas and doctors said he would have certainly died had it not been for the swift medical intervention. But once he had recovered Mr Todd did not hesitate in visiting Baillie in prison in order to offer her his forgiveness.
Speaking outside court after the hearing, Mr Todd said: “I love her I want to marry her. She didn't know I was going to propose today but I was. “I wanted to give her the ring but they won't allow it in prison. I hoped she would get a suspended sentence, so I could propose today. She does not need to be in prison.”

Baillie was initially charged with attempted murder, but has since admitted grievous bodily harm with intent. Judge Michael Mettyear said he recognised the fact that Mr Todd had forgiven Baillie and wanted to continue with their relationship, but said that may not influence his final decision.
He said: “I want some time to think about it. If he had died, this would have been a life sentence. The minimum term would have been 25 years. If she had been convicted of attempted murder the sentence could have been the order of 15 years. This is a difficult case and the guidelines suggest a prison sentence of some length."

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