Wednesday 29 February 2012

Abuse men sell yoghourt to women

 Most women see this as completely acceptable advertising , but would never accept a gender reversal here without a major public outcry. Nuff said!

Woman gets 6 months for killing boyfriend

6 monts detention with electronic monitoring - fair punishment for smothering you boyfriend to death and then ling to the authorities about it?  Ok lest claim he was abusive, hence this was self defence?? As Dr Betty says feminist ethics are grounded in reality, the psychotic deluded alter-reality of their hate movement. 
A Concord woman who claimed that her boyfriend had died of medical problems pleaded no contest Wednesday to involuntary manslaughter for smothering him with a pillow, a killing her attorney portrayed as the act of a domestic violence victim.
Dava Alizabeth-Ann Steen, 47, was sentenced to six months in jail, which she can serve at home while under electronic monitoring, said her attorney, Public Defender Robin Lipetzky.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

WOMAN 26 stabs GIRL 13 to DEATH in park.

Casey's 'killer'. The woman, 26, accused of stabbing 'beautiful and intelligent' girl, 13, in playground
  • Hannah Bonser appears in court accused of killing Casey Kearney
  • Parents: 'Words cannot explain how painful losing Casey has been'
  • Schoolgirl called police on her mobile after she was stabbed but died later

Upstanding female role model

this delightful specimen of womanhood, provided an 8th grade girl with booze, dope and pressured her into inhaling helium causing her death ...  Pity there are not more decent female role models for our young girls these days.....

Infidelity and pedophilia women do it too...

Rachel Farrell, 25, is alleged to have carried out an extended affair with an 11th grade pupil just two months after getting married, She is now divorced. Police believe she may have had relationships with up to three other students.  Sexual abuse of students by a teacher is one of the worst abuses of trust but cases like this rarely draw the same public outraged as when the genders are reversed.  Feminists see the male victims as "lucky" to get some of the guarded "PIV" What say Dr Betty I wonder?

Woman exploiting girls and other women

Radfems like Dr Betty are always going on about how men exploit women sexually, they have an aversion to "PIV" as an unholy tool of oppression of the innocent ( rather than a biological impreative for the survival of our species). Here we see a women exploiting other women and young girls as prostitutes,  well I guess a man or the patriarchy made her do it? of was it the devil or perhaps she is just an evil women to begin with? 

INDONESIAN police have nabbed a 19-year-old housewife suspected of running an under-age prostitution ring via Facebook.

The Jakarta Police cyber crimes unit had arranged to meet the woman, identified only as M, and the seven under-age girls accompanying her by masquerading as potential clients online.

The unit made contact with M via a Facebook page where they were able to peruse albums and prices for various girls.

The girls allegedly charged between 800,000 and 1.5 million rupiah ($82 to $154) for sexual services, almost half of which went to M, senior police commissioner Rikwanto told The Saturday Age.
Police believe M has operated the prostitution racket for the past two years.

Mother inflicts Cruel punishment - child dead

Feminists like Dr Betty will never admit that women can be very cruel and violent and indeed are responsible for a majority of child abuse and neglect! Not sure how she would blame the patriarchy for this hideous and malicious child abuse and filicide, but warped minds can rationalise most things. 

The grandmother and stepmother of a nine-year-old US girl have been charged with murder after allegedly forcing the youngster to run for three hours without stopping, authorities said.

Female gang attack reality tv star

In this story 3 women stalk and attack a reality tv starlet,  the starlets "fiance" and "a security guard " abort the attack by wrestling the attackers off!  Can't you hear Dr Betty screaming Violence against women by those all powerful patriarchal males!!

Girls start being violent earlier

Dr Betty Should take note of the increasing physical violence being demonstrated by young girls ( there emotional violence is well known to everyone bar the dinosaur radfems)

Here we have an 11 year old girl dead after a fight over a boy!  Perhaps it has something to do with the way girls are socialized in the feminist era, to believe that they are entitled to whatever they want whenever they want it, and should go and get it irrespective of the consequences.

Women manager exploits intellectually handicapped male employee, and simply don't give a shit!

Employee had 'mental capacity of 13-year-old' says guilty manager
February 28, 2012 

A femlae retail manager who deliberately underpaid an adult employee at least $30,000 - saying he had the mental capacity of a 13-year-old and didn’t deserve the full amount - has been fined $11,500.

The Fair Work Ombudsman took action against Maria Doherty, who formerly managed and part-owned the Garfield Berry Farm store in Gippsland, after she underpaid the casual employee by $31,040 between December 2006 and June 2009.

The male staff member, in his 20s, was paid $10.79 to $12.78 an hour, but entitled to almost twice that rate.

In her judgment last Friday, Federal Magistrate Heather Riley said Doherty paid a little over half the correct award rates to the man, as well as failing to pay casual loading and correct annual leave amounts.
‘‘He was underpaid at least $31,000. The underpayment may have been a good deal more.’’

When inspectors raised the problem with Doherty, they were told he ‘‘had the mental capacity of a 13-year-old and was not worth $17 or $18 an hour,’’ Ms Riley said. ‘‘(Doherty) seems to have been under the misapprehension that she was able to pay ... as little as she believed his time was worth."

She described the underpayment as deliberate and severe, saying it occurred over a long period and that Doherty had shown no remorse.

‘‘The ... respondent has shown no contrition and little co-operation and has made no attempt to rectify her undoing.’’ 

Fair Work inspectors had previously warned Doherty about underpaying workers, after receiving complaints from other staff at the berry farm.

The magistrate ordered that Doherty’s court fine go towards paying the male employee back.
The Fair Work Ombudsman initially took legal action against Garfield Berry Farm Pty Ltd, but the matter was automatically stayed when the company went into liquidation last year.

According to the judgment, Garfield Berry Farm itself has debts of almost $3 million and no realisable assets.

Consequently, there was little chance of the employee receiving much of the money he is owed, the magistrate said.

Monday 27 February 2012

Dr Betty says its unacceptable for MEN

Any murder suicide situation involving a parent and child is a shocking event that should lead one to consider what circumstances might lead to such a tragedy.  Certainly anyone working in the field of mental health would be expected to try to understand such events in terms of their complex societal, personal and psychological determinants. Indeed this is what happened in September 2011after the tragic axe killing of Sidonie Thompson, and subsequent suicide by her mother Kim Patterson, who was watched jump off Brisbanes Story Bridge by her 12 year old son.

However there is one mental health professional, Dr Betty McLellan of Townsville who apparently only extends such unbiased professional assessments to female perpetrators, if the perpetrator is a man her modus operandi is instead to write to the local newspaper decrying societies acceptance of mens violence.  Dr Betty needs to open her eyes and ears and hence this blog to assist her!

Is a society that values gender equity surely Jason Lees who jumped from Brisbane's Story Bridge with his two-year-old son in his arms deserves the same sympathetic consideration as Kim Patterson?