Monday 27 February 2012

Dr Betty says its unacceptable for MEN

Any murder suicide situation involving a parent and child is a shocking event that should lead one to consider what circumstances might lead to such a tragedy.  Certainly anyone working in the field of mental health would be expected to try to understand such events in terms of their complex societal, personal and psychological determinants. Indeed this is what happened in September 2011after the tragic axe killing of Sidonie Thompson, and subsequent suicide by her mother Kim Patterson, who was watched jump off Brisbanes Story Bridge by her 12 year old son.

However there is one mental health professional, Dr Betty McLellan of Townsville who apparently only extends such unbiased professional assessments to female perpetrators, if the perpetrator is a man her modus operandi is instead to write to the local newspaper decrying societies acceptance of mens violence.  Dr Betty needs to open her eyes and ears and hence this blog to assist her!

Is a society that values gender equity surely Jason Lees who jumped from Brisbane's Story Bridge with his two-year-old son in his arms deserves the same sympathetic consideration as Kim Patterson?

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