Tuesday 28 February 2012

Woman exploiting girls and other women

Radfems like Dr Betty are always going on about how men exploit women sexually, they have an aversion to "PIV" as an unholy tool of oppression of the innocent ( rather than a biological impreative for the survival of our species). Here we see a women exploiting other women and young girls as prostitutes,  well I guess a man or the patriarchy made her do it? of was it the devil or perhaps she is just an evil women to begin with? 

INDONESIAN police have nabbed a 19-year-old housewife suspected of running an under-age prostitution ring via Facebook.

The Jakarta Police cyber crimes unit had arranged to meet the woman, identified only as M, and the seven under-age girls accompanying her by masquerading as potential clients online.

The unit made contact with M via a Facebook page where they were able to peruse albums and prices for various girls.

The girls allegedly charged between 800,000 and 1.5 million rupiah ($82 to $154) for sexual services, almost half of which went to M, senior police commissioner Rikwanto told The Saturday Age.
Police believe M has operated the prostitution racket for the past two years.

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