Tuesday 20 March 2012

Adelaide woman accused of raping man

I wonder how many times this sort of thing goes not reported or prosecuted?  I wonder how many reports would be laughed off by law enforcement?  Good to see this one being prosecuted.

Adelaide woman accused of raping man
March 19, 2012 11:48am
In Adelaide yesterday the Courts witnessed another case of a female being accused of a type of behaviour that was long thought to be the sole domain of men.
Hot on the heals of an escalation of charges against women for child abuse, child sexual assault, fraud, female to female violence, and female to male domestic violence, we get another news item of a women who broke into the home of a male with the intention to commit rape.
One has to wonder whether this female initiated abuse is a new phenomenon, or whether it was always there, but now is simply being more aggressively reported.
An Adelaide woman has been ordered to stand trial accused of breaking into a man’s home and raping him.
Rebecca Helen Elder appeared in the District Court yesterday morning on one count of aggravated serious criminal trespass in a place of residence and one count of rape.
She pleaded not guilty to one count of aggravated serious criminal trespass in a place of residence, and one count of rape.
Prosecution documents, filed with the court, allege both offences took place at a suburban location between September 20 and September 23 last year.
At trial, prosecutors will allege Elder broke into a house while its male occupant – who cannot be named – was lawfully on the premises.
They will further allege she broke in with the intention of committing a further offence of rape.
Finally, prosecutors will allege Elder raped the man by performing an act of oral sex without his consent, before performing an act of oral sex without the man’s consent.
She has pleaded not guilty to the charges but a judge ordered she stand trial over the police claims.
Despite the seriousness of the allegations, Judge Wayne Chivell agreed for Elder to continue to be free on bail,  and faces court again next month.


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