Monday 19 March 2012

Female Pedophile Teacher but NOT Named and Shamed? Why NOT?

 No doubt this teacher would make Eve Ensler proud.

January 19, 2012

A female teacher at a prestigious Melbourne school failed to heed warnings about her relationship with a 16-year-old female student, a court has heard.

The teacher, 29, committed several offences against the girl between November 2010 and January last year.

Many details, including the name of the teacher, the name of the school and the location at which the offences occurred, have been suppressed.

The County Court heard three other teachers at the school had made complaints about the woman's relationship with the student and she was told at a conference with a senior member of staff that she was to stop contact with the student and discourage her from visiting her office.

Crown prosecutor Chris Ryan, SC, told the court that in the days following the conference the teacher, who can be referred to only as STC, replied to the headmistress that she believed her relationship with the student had been one of a supportive teacher.

STC said she had made sure meetings with the student had been in public areas and there were no unnecessary meetings.

STC also said that she did not believe that the student was dependent upon her and "I'm certainly not dependent on her or other students".

"I don't see students as friends, and I have no plans on making friendships," she said.

"My intentions have always been to be a supportive teacher."

Judge Michael McInerney noted that there had been no allegations of sexual misconduct made by the other teachers but that at the time STC replied to the headmistress she had already committed several offences.

STC has pleaded guilty to five charges including sexual penetration of child aged 16 or 17 under care, supervision or authority.

Mr Ryan said: "These are serious instances of offending by a person who is effectively in loco parentis".

He added that STC should have been aware, given her career as a teacher, of the boundaries between a student and teacher.

Defence Counsel Phillip Priest, QC, said STC had "true remorse" and a "constellation of psychiatric factors" including post-traumatic stress disorder and depression that could in part explain the offending.

He said his client was "psycho-sexually immature and will be more vulnerable to more robust and hardened individuals she will inevitably encounter".

He said Judge McInerney could consider STC's loss of career, lack of prior convictions and previous good character as mitigating factors in sentencing.

Judge McInerney continued STC's bail until next month's sentencing hearing.

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