Tuesday 8 May 2012

Egypt - Mothers killing infants

Bizarre: Mother kills toddler to live with her lover

Published Monday, May 07, 2012
EGYPT: An Egyptian housewife killed her two-year-old toddler and dumped the body near a sweage canal, where dogs tore the body apart before it was discovered by cops in a decomposed state.

According to a report in Al Youm Al Sabea’a, the woman resorted to the extreme step in order to divorce her husband and marry her boyfriend.

The incident came to light when her 51-year-old husband reported his child missing. He alleged that the toddler was staying with his wife who lived separately ever since he learnt about her illicit relationship. He, however, visited his daughter frequently. But off late, his wife had been hiding the child and denying him the meeting.

The 29-year-old labourer, who has been arrested, confessed to helping the woman dump the toddler's body near a sewage canal. He also added that she allegedly used her hands to strangle the child to death.

The woman admitted to being in an illicit relationship with the second accused, but denied killing her daughter.

Mother kills 3-year-old kid to live with lover

A mother tortured and killed her three-year-old child to be able to live with her lover.
According to "Akhbar Al Youm' newspaper, the Egyptian woman from Badr city starved the toddler for four days apart from locking up and torturing the child until it died.
The husband alerted the police saying his wife left him to live with her lover and had taken the child along.
When cops raided the boyfriend's house, they found the toddler's body. There were marks of injuries and the hands were handcuffed.
However, the wife told investigating officers that she left her husband as he was an homosexual, who brought home men.

She confessed she was staying illegally with her lover. Both have been arrested.

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